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Back to the basics – how does fiber really work?

Back to the basics – how does fiber really work?

Hexatronic Apr 5, 2023

We are pleased to announce this episode's guest Åsa Claesson from RISE – the Research Institutes of Sweden. Åsa is a Senior Scientist and Business Developer at RISE, focusing on hardware within Speciality Optical Fibers, Optical Fiber Sensors, and Fiber Optics in general.

The area in focus at RISE is mainly on fiber optic sensing, specializing in developing fiber that can be applied to sensors used in industrial, medical, and other applications. RISE is an independent, state-owned research institute with more than 3000 employees that work in facilities and labs all over Sweden, also represented in Europe and the US. 

Explaining advanced fiber optic technology 

The tenth episode of The Fiber Pod should perhaps have been the first, given that our knowledgeable guest Åsa will share insights on the basics of fiber optic technology. As a scientist, she will explain how fiber can carry light, how the light can be carried over longer distances, why fiber technology outstands the options, and what the new generation of fiber may bring.

There has been a lot of work in the last several years in the telecom world to look at new generations of fiber for higher capacities, which is really exciting.
- Åsa Claesson

Fiber optic insights for everyone

In this episode, you'll learn more about the following topics:

        • The key principles of fiber – how fiber really works
        • The two most common fiber types and their differences
        • Insights about wavelength multiplexing
        • How fiber is being produced
        • Future fiber types and the ongoing evaluations
        • Differences with fiber for fiber optic sensing vs. telecommunication

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