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A flock of birds flying in a cloudy sky. The birds are scattered, with no particular formation, giving a sense of freedom and movement.


Strong business ethics is about building trust. How we do business is just as important as the results we achieve.

Our ambitions

Key metrics


Baseline 2022

Result 2023

Goal 2030

Employees who have signed the internal Code of Conduct [%]




Employees who have completed internal Code of Conduct training [%]




Selected positions who have completed Anti-corruption training [%]




Number of confirmed instances of corruption




Spend from sustainability approved suppliers [% of purchased volume]





* Based on our supplier requirements, risk screening and supplier approval process of direct material and transport suppliers. Our supplier requirements cover the following areas: anti-corruption, health and safety, fair employment conditions, human rights and environment.

See in-depth descriptions and comments in our Sustainability Report. 

Person in denim jacket on a black couch, using a laptop in a dimly lit room with a tall plant nearby.

How we get there

  • Ensuring that the Code of Conduct is known and respected through recurring training.
  • Performing regular risk analysis and internal and external control mechanisms.
  • Ensuring responsible governance and board oversight of ESG risks.
  • Adopting sustainability performance measures in executives’ compensation program.
  • Ensuring internal and external due diligence of existing procedures, training, and control mechanisms, incl. due diligence processes of intermediaries.
  • Collaborating with business partners on relevant sustainability issues.
  • Requiring our suppliers to adhere to and comply with our supplier requirements and evaluate the compliance by doing regular assessments and audits.
  • Ensuring sustainability competence among purchasing positions and use sustainability as a criteria in the sourcing process.
  • Conducting our business by the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, where principle ten relates to anti-corruption.
  • Membership in the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute and the UN Global Compact.

Sustainability Roadmap 2030

View all three focus areas, Planet, People, and Ethics, in our Sustainability Roadmap guiding our path to 2030.