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Entrepreneurship models paves way for independence and brighter future

Entrepreneurship models paves way for independence and brighter future

Dec 22, 2022

In Chawia, Kenya, the engaged members in the project led by Hand in Hand Eastern Africa are making successful advancements in entrepreneurship. Hexatronic Group is a proud corporative partner and looks forward to following and supporting the women and men in Chawia when they are paving the way for a long-term, sustainable, and independent future for themselves and their families.

Entrepreneurial training to reduce poverty

In Chawia village, a brighter and independent future is still the guiding star. The project's main objective is to work with female members of the village to support them in creating sustainable enterprises and work opportunities. By advancing their businesses, they contribute to a stronger society and empower women’s position enabling  them to provide for their families.

This past year, the members have created 60 work opportunities and reinforced 70 small enterprises, strengthening the outlook for next year. Furthermore, the members are mobilizing and have been introduced to community-based organizations to train and develop in a structured progression.

In addition to group mobilization, the members are also provided training in financial management, resource mobilization, value addition, and climate resilience. These extended possibilities provide the opportunity for an increased life standard where they can ensure food is available for their families and contribute to starting or expanding their businesses, such as basket weaving, producing liquid soap, and poultry housing.

Facing unforeseen challenges

To get access to the markets, one has to have enough products to sell to be able to attend. Therefore, another focus area is household vegetable production and expanding poultry housing.

Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances have made it challenging for the members. Drought has had a severe negative impact as Chawia village has not had rain since early March 2022. Furthermore, parts of the village have experienced incidents with elephants from the nearby Tsavo National park. Members of the village are working closely with the Kenya Wildlife Service moving forward to eliminate human-wildlife conflicts.

Structured project plan with the goal in mind

Given the challenges, the project is proceeding with clear goals in sight, covering: 

  • Improving the social-economic status of women, youth, and men, through their businesses.
  • Providing the opportunity to access funding to break the cycle of unemployment and poverty and reclaim financial independence.
  • Continuation of enterprise development training in the community after project closure.

Collaboration for a brighter future

At Hexatronic, we strive to make a difference by actively contributing to the development of society, both globally and locally. Hexatronic is a proud corporative partner of Hand in Hand, a non-profit organization that works with entrepreneurship models to reduce poverty.

The model of entrepreneurship strives to support people to improve their lives by helping them to start and run small and profitable businesses. By doing so, they can earn a living, become more independent, and create job opportunities – for themselves and others.

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