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Entrepreneurship education: A pathway to independence for Chawia women

Entrepreneurship education: A pathway to independence for Chawia women

Oct 13, 2023

The development and momentum of the Community Uplift Program is proceeding, joined by the dedicated members in Chawia village, Kenya. Hexatronic Group is a proud corporate partner of Hand in Hand, whose project model of implementing entrepreneurship to reduce poverty and increase independence is truly making a difference for the members of the project.

Empower women with entrepreneurial skills

Several activities have been carried out since the project started in 2021, including education about group formation, entrepreneurship, and financial management. Early on, poultry rearing was identified as the primary value chain to pursue, as it offers a viable income source and a nutritious food option for households. The members have also diversified into other enterprises, such as grocery shops, goat rearing, and green gram farming. 

Despite unforeseen challenges ranging from climate change and human-wildlife conflict, the project has incorporated more than 100 new enterprises and 110 work opportunities. So far, the project and its enterprises have contributed to breaking the cycle of poverty and increased independence for families striving for a brighter future for their children.

Continuous education paves the way for independence

The members of the Community Based Organization (CBO) have been, and are still being offered training in the following areas:

  • Social mobilization – insights on the importance of working as a structured group and learning and developing together.
  • Entrepreneurship training – introducing and maintaining a saving culture, budgeting, and financial management to establish and maintain profit-making ventures.
  • Marketing – training covering marketing partnerships and how to find a position in the value chain.
  • Microfinance – insights and management on credit training, budgeting, and table banking.
  • Climate resilience – understanding of causes, evidence, and impacts of climate change, which has been embraced in their green enterprises to become adaptive and resilient.

"With the support of the Business trainer Maurine, the Chawia community has greatly benefited from the project. Members have discovered alternative ways to supplement their income by engaging in poultry farming and reap the advantages of economies of scale. We're still walking with them in the next phase of the project to ensure sustainability and resilience of the created jobs and enterprises."
says Evalyne, the branch manager.

A collaboration that makes a difference

Hand in Hand, a non-profit organization that works with entrepreneurship models to reduce poverty, is well known for the positive impact the outcome of their projects has for the local populations. At Hexatronic, we aim to contribute to making a difference by supporting initiatives and operations that strive for a socially and environmentally sustainable future. 

We look forward to continuing to support the women and men in Chawia as they pave the way for a long-term, sustainable, and independent future for themselves and their families.

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