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Zzoomm – bringing high-speed broadband to towns across the UK

Hexatronic equipment and logistics make network projects successful

Zzoomm is rolling out full fiber broadband to towns across the UK. They are connecting homes, schools, businesses, and shops to reliable high-speed broadband using the solutions and services from Hexatronic. 


  • Bring fiber broadband to underserved towns across the UK, that today have to rely on old copper networks.
  • Find a supplier with the right equipment and services, that could support us in delivering the most fabulous experience, and that shared our values of responsiveness, openness, agility and reliability. Providing flexibility and keeping what they promise.


  • Choose Hexatronic after evaluation numerous potential suppliers, they gave us the best combination of value and partnership.
  • Combining our specialist areas, where we mainly used Hexatronic for equipment and logistics, while we focus on the best broadband service.
  • Modifying industry-standard products to enable a better experience.
  • Weekly delivery of supplies, directly to site or our warehouse.


  • Happy customers (homes, business and towns) due to minimization of disruptions.
  • Delivering on time.
We are mutually working
harder every day.