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Home / Customer stories / Crosstown Fiber is expanding their network footprint in Chicago

Crosstown Fiber is expanding their network footprint in Chicago

Crosstown Fiber is a Chicago-based digital infrastructure developer that specializes in providing secure, reliable, high-capacity fiber routes that offer enhanced route diversity. They’re actively expanding their network footprint every day to meet the demands of both the city and the surrounding suburbs, and Hexatronic is proud to partner with them.

This product and this partnership between Crosstown and Hexatronic allows us to use their micro cables to double the capacity in areas that otherwise we wouldn’t be able to enter into.


  • Construction in a very saturated market and confined real-estate area
  • Permitting obstacles for deployment


  • Using micro cables to double the capacity in areas not normally possible
  • Choosing Hexatronic as a partner to help understand and accomplish long and short-term goals
  • Using a high-density, high-capacity, and highly reliable solution in a very confined real-estate area
  • Being able to use less real-estate and operate in dense environments, making it easier to retrieve permits from municipalities


  • Ability to provide cost-effective services for customers
  • Access to enter into markets that are overly saturated with existing utilities
  • Increased footprint within the Chicago area, interconnecting data centers, schools, and other organizations that utilize high-speed internet connection
  • Using the Hexatronic solution allowed for easier diversification and the ability to double the capacity of the market
We’re able to use their microduct product to offer a sustainable, flexible, and scalable solution to meet the environment whether it’s urban or rural.